Syaifi metode penelitian deskriptifSyaifi Al-MahfudziDokumen tersebut merupakan makalah tentang pengenalan metode penelitian deskriptif. Makalah ini menjelaskan pengertian penelitian deskriptif, jenis-jenisnya seperti studi kelanjutan, studi perkembangan, studi sosiometrik dan laporan diri, serta kesimpulan dan saran terkait pelaksanaan penelitian deskriptif.
Virtual Advising and Recruiting: Opportunities to Increase Recruitment and Re...Cathi Alabama-BaldwinThis document discusses how virtual recruiting and advising can help bridge the gap for adult learners in higher education by providing a relationship with their campus. It notes that online enrollments have increased significantly in recent years and that technology helps institutions provide flexible and efficient contact with online adult learners. It then provides examples of technological methods like Skype, Google Hangouts and Big Blue Button that can be used for virtual advising sessions and compares their features.
Attracting Success; A Goal Planning PrimerKarl Bimshas ConsultingThis document provides guidance on setting goals using a goal planning worksheet. It discusses defining one's purpose and top values to write at the top of the worksheet. The worksheet has eight life dimensions (e.g. financial, career) to write one or two goals for each. Goals should be SMART+P (specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-based, positive, personal). Each goal requires determining why it's important and envisioning success. An action plan and deadline completes the goal. The author encourages taking action on goals rather than just wishing, and offers help to serious goal-getters.
JubiPraiseGARMAN LIUThe document contains lyrics to various Christian worship songs for children. It discusses themes of praising God, finding treasure through obedience, breathing in God's love, deciding to follow Jesus, and lifting up God's name. The lyrics are accompanied by images meant to engage and inspire children in worship.
God Is So GoodGARMAN LIUThis document repeats phrases praising God for being good and answering prayers, saving souls, and being worthy of praise, with the recurring line "He's so good to me." It expresses faith in God's goodness through repetitive lyrics.
Cannabinoides slide shareAmel BouzabataLes cannabinoides sont des substances existent aussi bien chez les humains que dans les plantes. A travers cet exemple, nous voulons montrer l'importance des cannabinoides, et leur propriétés. Nous avons également choisi un exemple illustratif Cannabis sativa L. pour montrer comment identifier ces substances dans une drogue végétale.